Blockchain Skills “finance” vs “tech” …

Nicolas Cantu
ON-X Blockchain (Chain-Accelerator)
1 min readJan 28, 2019

It is amazing to see how much finance has seized the topic of cryptocurrency when it is a punctual market, just not yet regulated, on products derived from tokens.

And it’s amazing to see how little software engineering has invested in the subject when it is a movement for at least 10 years in response to the failure of cybersecurity.

Let us add that these new models of decentralized and secure decentralized communications entail the need to review all the organizations, the internet and to activate the community in all industries.

The focus on cryptocurrencies hides a huge gap on cybersecurity.

Now that the fog is rising on the external value of the tokens and that the regulations arrive; we see the real technological gaps.

The culture of cybersecurity is essential. Some states have taken the lead by opening this research, others (ex: France) have fallen behind with a confidential relationship with their industrial owners, proprietary processes reducing the number of knowing a critical threshold.

