Our first Tezos training course with Chain Accelerator Academy

Nicolas Cantu
ON-X Blockchain (Chain-Accelerator)
1 min readMay 16, 2019

Chain Accelerator great ground with the best blockchain talents for staffing new big decentralized infrastructures, animate opensource projects and for successfull startups of tomorow.

We’re glad to announce our first course on Tezos technology. Chain Accelerator became a preferred partner of Tezos whose tech team (nomadic labs) is participating in our course (during the certification phase).

Chain Accelerator Academy is ahub for Phds and blockchain international projects and also a co-founder of universtiy and school chairs in Europe with speakers, courses, hackathons and events.

Please check our course here: https://chainaccelerator.academy and get your seat asap (25 seats only).

