BIG NEWS: John McAfee is coming to Chain Clash

Adrian Krion
Chain Clash
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2020


You’ve been asking for more crypto legends in Chain Clash, so we’re bringing you — not anyone, but one of the most well-known and controversial people in the crypto space:

John McAfee

John is a cybersecurity legend (founder of McAfee) and has been one of the most vocal figures within the crypto space for the last few years. He has founded McAfeeDEX and is currently promoting his 2020 Presidential campaign (“Don’t Vote McAfee”).

About John McAfee

In Chain Clash, we want to allow our players to play with or against representatives of crypto projects (and their respective coins) so as to express their support or antipathy for a specific project. This may also apply to individuals representing those projects, or individuals being very influential in the overall space.

John has been asked for by many members of the Chain Clash community and he has been named among the most influential people regarding Bitcoin and the overall industry. He has over 1 million followers of his very active Twitter account, and is currently running as a Presidential candidate with an impressive campaign, one of the stunts he’s pulled off being the tokenization of Congressmen.

We can safely say that John McAfee is one of the most influential individuals in the crypto space and are happy that we could convince him to lend an avatar his face.

The John McAfee avatars

Like all the other celebrity avatars, John McAfee avatars will be fully playable in Chain Clash (and Chain Clash Arcade!), and will appear in various outfits, including this one:

The cool thing is — you can look like this special avatar by getting this tee and the official John McAfee Clone mask! However, we think getting an avatar will be the more valuable choice in the long-term ;-)

As part of our reveal of this superstar avatar, we’re bringing to you this awesome John McAfee reveal trailer:

John’s avatars will by default be representing ETH; however, as a special feature, by sending him a few training tickets he will represent the clan of your choice! John’s Legendary and Mythic avatars will come with boosts in terms of the respective clan weight and will therefore have a bigger say in how a clan performs.

Get ready to clash with (or against) John McAfee, Brock Pierce and Crystal Rose!

