How to add e-Money support to Keplr

Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2021

e-Money is an electronic payment system and store of value operating in the financial services industry.
The company vision is to create a level playing field, providing equal access to transparent financial services, on a global scale, while greatly reducing cost.
e-Money is not designed to act as a wholesale replacement for the existing financial system, but can instead be thought of as the layer two solution for traditional finance.

🔗 How to Link your Keplr Account to e-money Wallet Dashboard

  1. Go to
  2. [Chain Add Request] window will show off.
    Here you have to choose [Approve]
  3. Now you have to authorize the connection between Kepler and e-money:
    In the [Requesting Connection] window, select [Approve] to continue.
  4. Check now your Wallet by clicking on the [K] extension icon:
    Among the networks you can select, you may notice that in the [Beta Support] section [e-Money Wallet] is now available.
  5. Go to
  6. Select [Keplr Browser Extension] and then [Use Account]

💡You’re all set!

💰 How to Start Staking with Keplr & e-money Wallet

  1. In the Dashboard, select [Earn] from the side menu.
    In this section, you can view all the validators that are part of the active set in the e-money chain.
  2. Once you find the validator you want to delegate your $NGM to, click on its name: on its page click on the orange [Stake] button at the top right of the screen.
  3. A window will pop-up asking you first to select the amount you wish to delegate to the validator, and then confirm your willingness to send the operation to Keplr for the finalization of the operation itself (Signature).
  4. A Keplr window will open, in which you’ll have to select the desired fees and confirm the operation.
  5. In case of success, you will see the notice [Successfully Staked].
    You can check the details of the transaction at any time by selecting [Transactions] in the side menu.

♥️ By staking you not only help keep the network safe but you also receive rewards!

Are you curious to learn more about e-Money?
Here are the articles for you:

