How to use Ledger Nano hardware wallet with Keplr

Josh Lee
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2020

Today, Chainapsis has released a new version of Keplr extension wallet that supports signing with Ledger hardware wallets. If you’re an existing user, your Keplr extension will be automatically be updated.

If you’re a new user, you can download Keplr here and refer to this guide by Daniela Pavin on how to start using Keplr.

Keplr supports Cosmos Hub, Secret Network, and Kava with plans to add support for more networks in the future.


Please make sure you have the latest firmware for the Ledger Nano device installed and the of the latest version of the Ledger Cosmos app installed before proceeding.

How to get started

  1. Press the ‘Accounts’ icon on the top right corner of Keplr extension
  2. Press the ‘Add account’ button

3. A new browser tab should open. Select ‘Import Ledger’

4. Set the account name for the Ledger account, then press next.

5. Connect and unlock your Ledger hardware wallet, then open the Cosmos app. When you see ‘Cosmos ready’ on the screen, press ‘Next’ on the popup. Your browser may ask you to grant permission to access the hardware, so please make sure you approve.

If you don’t have the Cosmos app installed on your ledger, please follow the instructions here.

6. And that’s it! You can now start using your Ledger hardware wallet with any of the blockchains that Keplr supports.

What if I have multiple accounts from the same mnemonic?

If you have more than one accounts associated with the mnemonic, you can set your custom HD wallet derivation path by pressing the ‘Advanced’ button during step 4. Typically, accounts start from 0 then 1 then 2, and so on.

