Chainbeat at Celocamp

Ashok Pitchamani
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2020

Our first-take at Celo test net integration

As we posted on twitter last week, we have been busy at work at Celo Camp integrating our data platform with the Celo Testnet. Celo Camp is a virtual boot camp for startups building apps on the Celo blockchain. We learned about it last week and decided to enroll. Our goal at “Celo Camp” is to integrate the Celo test net into the Chainbeat analytics platform and prepare for full support when Celo’s main net launches in Q2 2020.

We have made good progress with our integration and have a few updates to share. Here is our first demo of Chainbeat’s initial integration of Celo Alfajores test net:

Vote for our entry at Celo Camp:

Development Notes:

1. We did run into issues during node setup and sync.

We tried to run a full node by the following tutorial:
But, the node didn’t start to sync. It failed with error: ‘Genesis block mismatch…’

We found the configuration options from here:
We changed a few configuration options:
NETWORK_ID=44786 #Alfajores
and we were able to run a full node for Alfajores network!

2. We had issues connecting with the Baklava test network

3. We synced the Alfajores test network before the Celo team did the refresh so that we have sufficient data to build out the demo.

Why Celo?

We are excited about Celo being a mobile-first, developer-friendly blockchain platform based on the EVM standard. We also admire and support Celo’s ultimate goal of providing a banking option for the unbanked. Celo with its on-chain collateralized stable coin with an easy-to-use mobile application, light phone number identity system and an agent network of on-the-ground exchangers seems well-positioned to accomplish the goal of banking the unbanked.

We think Celo would be a great fit for Chainbeat. Here is how we think Chainbeat can help the Celo Ecosystem:

  • Provide key developer insights like usage, errors and proactive alerts that help with app development
  • Ability to benchmark application usage with projects from the same or another supported Blockchain ecosystem
  • Identify key trends with our custom reports option that help you understand usage patterns in your applications

About Us:

Chainbeat is the first cross-blockchain analytics platform that provides data insights and analytics to help understand the usage and behavioral metrics of smart contracts. Web 3.0 infrastructure is here. The time to build great decentralized applications is now. Chainbeat is there right with you providing real-time usage and behavioral metrics that can help drive adoption and growth of web 3.0 apps.

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