Chainlink & Polygon In ChainBoost’s Cross-Chain Universe

ANON 123
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2021

What We Strive for at ChainBoost

We at ChainBoost strive to be the one-stop shop for all future decentralized gaming projects by hosting lucrative pre-IDO fundraising, successful IDO launches, and nurture long-term growth in the crypto-marketplace. Acting as a launchpad incubator capable of actuating on these promises requires a host of collaborations with other blockchain businesses to ensure enhanced functionality of our platform and provide an extensive network effect.

We are delighted to explain how two of our most critical partnerships, Chainlink and Polygon, facilitate the large functionality, security, and market exposure required for an industry-leading launchpad incubator of this scale in 2021.

Ethereum Needs Assistance for Scalability Demands

Polygon essentially fixes a problem the vast majority of launchpads are currently facing: High transaction fees. Due to Ethereum becoming the most popular smart contract blockchain globally, it is important for a startup to launch within the Ethereum blockchain as they become the recipients of Ethereum’s Network Effect. However, the low throughput makes the actionable use of anyone’s project platform nearly useless due to the expense. The end result for these launchpads and their hosted startup projects is wide market exposure but nearly no functionality of their actual working ecosystem.

Polygon: Ethereum’s Network Effect Whilst Allowing Platform Functionality

This is where Polygon comes into play: Acting as a sidechain to Ethereum, Polygon can host its own unique blockchain for the startup project’s ecosystem while also connecting to Ethereum to obtain the extensive network effect and industry-leading security standards.

Figure 1: Polygon side-chain on Ethereum — Graphic

Smart Contract Quality Dictates Ecosystem Richness

The other critical component of a launchpad incubator for it to legitimately work to optimize a startup projects’ pre-IDO fundraising, market launch, and its ongoing success within the marketplace, is to have both scalable and secure smart contract functionalities. Smart contracts govern all logic on a web 3.0 blockchain, and therefore the ChainBoost ecosystem operates solely by the automated order of pre-set smart contracts. Therefore, the extent to which ChainBoost can provide personalized optimization to startup projects is predicated on ChainBoost’s smart contract functionality. Check out our full arsenal of perks for our boosted projects in the graphic below.

Figure 2: ChainBoost’s support options for incubated projects

Chainlink’s Industry Leading VRF Smart Contracts Inside ChainBoost

Chainlink’s VRF smart contracts have been formally validated as the most up-to-date tech in the space, and this is exactly why we have used them exclusively throughout our network. We found that Chainlink’s smart contracts were capable of the extensive functionalities required to properly execute our hosted startup’s fundraising opportunities, IDO launch exposure, and ongoing continuation of their rising market evaluation post-IDO.

Many Moving Parts Making up the ChainBoost Ecosystem

We have a slew of other project collaborations to ensure the steady success of our Boostpads development. However, Chainlink and Polygon are among the most intrinsic to the long-term success of our platform. Read below to discover how Chainlink and Polygon interact and enhance the chainboost ecosystem as the blockchain industry accelerates toward a multichain future. We promise our interest in Chainlink goes beyond our peculiar love of their name.

Figure 3: Tech Integration and Business Development within our ecosystem

Polygon acting as an inexpensive blockchain provides the perfect synergy of a cost-effective platform to use, along with the fact that ChainBoost hosted projects receive maximal market exposure from Polygon’s intricate connection with Ethereum. Additionally, this is only the start of our trailblazing efforts to maximize the Network Effect for our hosted businesses, as we intend to become cross-chain compatible across all major blockchains in the industry for globalized market exposure!

Chainlink ensures that the platform’s functionality meets the tall standard of being able to consistently provide an industry-leading launchpad incubator with a variety of services, for the sole purpose of maximizing the success of our hosted projects within ChainBoost ecosystem.

We are very excited to finally bring our platform public and provide blockchain startups with an ecosystem where they can seek vital incubation for a formidable introduction into the marketplace.

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