Getting started

Asbjorn Enge
Published in
5 min readAug 23, 2022

The 18th of august 2022 we launched the public beta of ChainBorn on Tezos mainnet 🤩 🎉 This is a post takes you through everything you need to know to get started playing ChainBorn 😊

ChainBorn Banner

NB! Most of the information covered here is also available in our FAQ.

Summon a Hero

ChainBorn is a game of Heroes. So the first thing you need to do is to summon one ✨

To be able to do that you first need to connect your Tezos wallet. Hit the “Connect Wallet” button on the top right. Next, head to the Summon Hero page (via the Hero page).

If you don’t see any Heroes on the Summon Hero page, that is because you don’t have any NFTs from one of our supported collections. In ChainBorn your turn your pfp NFT into a Hero and build it up. Head over to the Collections page for a list of our supported collections and links to where you can purchase one.

Potential Heroes

Tap one of your potential Heroes to start the summon process. You need to provide a name for your Hero. Names are unique, so be quick if you want to grab some good ones!! There is also a summon fee of 10 XTZ (currently).

Once you have summoned your Hero, you are ready to Battle!! ⚔️


The v1 version of ChainBorn have 1v1 pvp Battles ⚔️

Via battles you gain experience and can build up your Hero over time 💪 Climb the ranks of the Raf and hopefully one day become unchained!


Explore either the Hero page or the Battle page to find a suitable opponent. A good idea is to sort battles for recent battles to find active players.

If you have a specific opponent in mind and know their wallet address or Tezos Domain you can check out their player profile to find their Heroes:

Once you have found a Hero you want to challenge, tap the “Challenge” button below the Hero card on their Hero page. A popup will appear where you can select which Hero you want to challenge with. You also need to set the “battle type” and “loot”.

Challenge dialogue

If you select “A Loot”, the selected amount of XTZ you put in loot has to be matched by your opponent, and the winners takes all (minus the platform fee).

If you select “Hero & Loot”, both the loot AND your Hero are on the line. If you loose you loose it all. And that includes your Hero NFT 😱 😬

Once you have challenged a Hero, your opponent will receive a notification letting them know. If they don’t respond in a reasonable time, you can always cancel your challenge and challenge someone else.

You can have multiple challenges out at the same time.

You can however only be in 1 battle at the same time. This is because you can potentially loose your Hero in a battle 😉

If your opponent accepts your challenge, you will receive a notification letting you know, and the battle begins!! ⚔️


ChainBorn is turn based. So once a battle starts each Hero has their turn and have to wait for the opponent to take their turn. If you see an “Attack” button it’s your turn, if not it’s your opponents turn, and you have to wait.

If your opponent takes too long, there is a timeout period (currently 1 week) after which you automatically win the battle (Hero who’s turn it is not). So remember to take your turns 😅

You see a log of the battle rounds below the battling Heroes.
The battle concludes when one of the Heroes reaches 0 health 💀

If you wonder about the randomization of the attacks in the battle rounds check out the Randomization section here.

Battle chat

One super fun (we atleast think so) feature of ChainBorn is the “Battle chat”. Each battle has a public chat where anyone can join (anyone that has connected their wallet and signed the Terms message that is)!

It’s a super fun way to interact during a battle, get excited and make some new friends 🤗

Battle Chat

Open the battle chat by tapping the chat bubble at the bottom left on a battle page and start chatting during battles!! 💬 💖


After a ChainBorn battle you gain experience. The amount of experience is calculated from the amount of loot; the more loot the more experience (within some parameters).

You use the experience gained to upgrade your Hero. Add points to Health and/or Strength to be better fit for your next battle! And climb the ranks!

Heroes gained experience.

And that is what you need to know to get started with ChainBorn 🤩 🚀

Find more Heroes to battle and build up your Hero for the coming fight agains the Lord Emperor 💪 ⚔️

There are many more things to cover like; ranks, badges, nicknames, items (!?), group battles (!?), unchain status … but more on that later 🤫 😉

Have fun playing CB 💖 And jump on our Discord if you want!

