Myrddin and the sparks of Rebellion

Asbjorn Enge
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2023

Myrddin, a loyal Chain Ministry Inquisitor sits in his office grinding over some papers regarding the construction of a new waterway. He used to enjoy these projects, providing better infrastructure for the citizens of the capitol. But recently, more and more projects were getting cut and funding seems to flow in other directions. Towards the top of the Ministry…?

Sure, the Lord Emperor is a harsh sovereign. But his system of government does provide the basics for a growing population. And we continually improve it. It has lasted a millennia already. Who is he to question such things?

A sudden knock on the door released him from these traitorous thoughts. A messenger bearing two letters. What now?

The first letter bore the seal of Dark Moon, the highest ranking Inquisitor in the capitol and Myrddins superior. Myrddin opens the letter carefully. Another project to be put on hold? His waterway project? Myrddin suddenly felt a rush of anger. He quickly suppress it. Something feels wrong lately. But who is he to ask questions. Dark Moon and the other High Inquisitors surely have their reasons.

The second letter bore a strange unknown seal. <describe the seal>. How did it even get here? Letters with unknown seals are typically censored long before they even reach the steps of the Ministry. He considered reporting the messenger, but decided against it. Maybe it’s the seal of a family from another city? He opened it curiously.

It looks to be a letter of recommendation for a new Inquisitor? Another one? Strange he should receive it? But as soon as he reads the initial sentences of the letter, he finds he cannot stop. Something has him transfixed. A spell? He somehow feels his mind change, slowly, then suddenly. He blinks and is confused for a second. Looking back at the letter, it is no longer a recommendation letter. A short note and … instructions for a spell!?

The note reads;

You are under the influence of a spell similar to the one that controls 
the minds of the Acolytes. We have temporarily lifted it,
but it will soon overtake you again unless you leave the capitol.
The instructions to permanently lift the spell follows.
Free your mind and join us!

Death to the Lord Emperor!
~ Fiia

Myrddin is stunned. Fiia? Could it be? Without even thinking he writes down the spell instructions on a different piece of paper and hides it in his robes inner pocket. He can feel his mind slowly numbing. The letters on the piece of paper turns blurry. He feels dizzy and stumbles towards his chair before falling into a deep sleep.

When he woke up it was late evening. The sun was about to set in the east and cooling shadows were starting their night long fight against beaming street lamps on the busy streets below.

He remembered. He felt his robe pockets. The spell was still there! What should he do? Try it? No. Turn it in? He sat as his desk looking at it. Considering. Without consciously noticing, he began looking over his inventory to see if he had the required ingredients. He was only missing a few items.

  • A dead mouse
  • A hedgepig
  • An orb of seeing
Missing spell ingredients

The two first were easy enough to get ahold of. He could requisition them. But he did not want any trace leading back to him. He knew Acolytes carried them for creating healing potions and other kind of spells. The hardest part would be the Orb though. Only the High Inquisitors were allowed to operate them.

What was he doing? Suddenly scared. Was he really going to try out this spell? From a strange letter with an unknown seal? For some reason it felt right. He wanted to try it. He had to.

He had an idea. He could create a “quest” and hang it at on one of the “quest boards” down at the battle grounds. People always hung all sorts of different tasks they wanted performed there. The Ministry looked them over, but often at a glance and his would probably not even stand out.

Before giving himself a chance to reconsider, he quickly drew up the quest and disappeared into the busy night.


  • Collect the 3 missing items for Myrddin
  • Send them to tz1Tj4ZaQSnQiUEom25v8qb573XFwT32obhQ (chainborn.tez)
  • Let us know in Discord


  • First one to complete gets a “Myrddin Rebel Fighter” NFT
  • All who complete get 1000 LEG
  • All who complete get 1 Orb of Seeing NFT


  • Fight the Chain Ministry Inquisitors for loot.

