Celebrating OpenSea powered Item Trading with Exclusive Rank Event

Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

Chainbreakers partnered with OpenSea before the crowdsale was started in November. One particular feature will be the foundation for secure item trades in Chainbreakers.

Trading multiple items for other items with other players is very common in RPG games. Those trades don’t involve currency but are crucial for trading items with similar value. Chainbreakers will implement OpenSea’s upcoming “NFT for NFT” trading function to provide decentralized item trade interfaces.

To celebrate this technological partnership, we will airdrop random uncommon and rare items to our community members. Make sure to carefully read this article, learn about the details and don’t miss out on this event.

Uncommon and Rare Item Airdrop

We are giving-away items to players who link their Chainbreakers account with Discord and get ranked before April 15th at 12:00 PM GMT. Players that have acquired the ranks below participate in the airdrop.

  1. Connect your Chainbreakers account to your Discord handle
  2. Acquire rank 1 to receive a random uncommon item
  3. Acquire rank 4 to receive an additional random rare item

The NFTs will be minted and distributed shortly after the event has ended.

We invite players to the #item-trading channel on our Discord to engage and trade with other community members. Chainbreakers will build an in-game trade UI around the technology which will feel familiar to most rpg players.

Acquire your rank sooner than later

In case you plan to participate, we recommend to acquire your rank this month. The honor rewards that are granted from crowdsale purchases will be lowered from April 2nd. Learn the details in the announcement below.

How do I connect my account to Discord?

Enter your account settings to connect your Chainbreakers account with your Discord handle. The process is pretty intuitive and a successful handshake grants a Discord role that reflects your honor. You just need to validate your account by sending a private message to official Chainbreakers bot.

Learn about your personal progress by sending “!rank”. You can open the help menu by typing “!help”. Please interact with our bot in #bot-spam to keep the Discord server readable.

What is a rank and how do I acquire it?

The Chainbreakers rank system is based on honor. Ranks are an indication for early investors and community members. Players can primarily obtain honor by purchasing items in the official crowdsale.

A second way to acquire honor is by referring friends. Any purchases done by the referred user generate a bonus for the owner of the referral URL. Users are linked to the last referral URL they visited which is displayed in the settings.

