Chris Chapman (aka m3mnoch) Joins the Chainbreakers Advisory Board
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2018
Early version of the first quest area

As our team builds Chainbreakers, we constantly share our progress with the Decentraland team. After working with their experience division for the past six months, we are very glad to announce that Christopher D. Chapman (aka m3mnoch) has become an advisor to Chainbreakers!

“I love what the team is doing. Where they’re twisting the top off the standard RPG and replacing it with a distributed exploration mechanic. I’m really excited for the reverberations throughout the genre.”

Chris during NIFTY conference in Hong Kong

Before joining Decentraland as Experience Architect, Chris designed and created all sorts of fun games and entertainment experiences at Disney. Now, he’s eager to help build the next version of the internet at Decentraland.

With over 20 years of experience in the gaming industry, Chris brings a wide set of skills that will help us make Chainbreakers the best game that we can.

In return, our team has been providing early feedback to the Decentraland team as we put their SDK to use in building Chainbreakers.

You can learn more about Chris at

We’d also like to announce that an early, internal version of Chainbreakers will be deployed to the Decentraland private alpha in late September. Stay tuned!

