Final Crowdsale Give-Away Marathon
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2019

To celebrate the end of our crowdsale our team hosts a very special give-away marathon. Over the course of 10 days we’re giving away Chainbreakers items. Our partners at Matic Network are joining us in this final crowdsale event.

How this event works in detail

Every day from 21.05 to 30.05 at 12 PM GMT a 24 hours window opens. Any community member who purchases items in our official crowdsale in this time period, participates in the give-away of that particular day. At 12 PM GMT the next day, the list resets and rewards for the previous cycle are given out.

The bigger the support, the higher the position. The higher the position, the more valuable the reward. If two accounts spend the exact same amount of MANA, the account that has purchased first will claim the better position.

Anyone who purchases enough items to get positioned in the Top 10 for a particular day and has connected their Chainbreakers account to Discord (read below) is going to receive an item.

Each day, we’ll contact the ten winners via Discord and ask them to select an item of choice according to the quality they’ve won. If the selected item is still available in the crowdsale, it’ll be airdropped to the winner’s address.

Adding MATIC tokens worth 1000 USD

Our partners at Matic have decided to give-away $1000 worth of Matic tokens to 20 random participants ($50 each) after the event has ended on May 31st. Any connected account that has purchased an item over the course of the event automatically registers for the Matic token give-away.

When does the crowdsale end?

The official crowdsale closes its doors at on May 31st. This is your last chance to purchase items in our marketplace. We’d like to incentivize those who’ve missed out on earlier events and grant a bonus in form of additional NFTs.

If you are new to the Chainbreakers franchise, you can learn more about our games and the crowdsale items in the article below. This article answers lots of questions regarding attributes, unit roles and questing in general.

Connect your Chainbreakers account with Discord

To participate in any of the described events, you need to connect your Discord account. You can start the process in your account settings. The handshake is pretty intuitive and simple: Just send a private message that contains the displayed characters to the official Chainbreakers bot.

Learn about your potential reward by sending “!marathon” on our Discord. Make sure to interact with our bot in #bot-spam to keep the chat readable. The command gets activated on May 21st at 12 PM GMT.

