Join Closed Beta: You are not too late!
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2019

Due to multiple requests from our community members we decided to implement a new mechanism allowing 199 additional players to enter the closed beta. Read this article to learn more!

Access your account management to join the beta

Getting Early Access Rings on Matic Testnet

Around 24 hours before the closed beta was kicked-off, a snapshot of players inventories has been stored to Matic Testnet. Everyone who had an early access ring in their inventory received the equivalent on the Testnet.

The Chainbreakers beta client checks for early access rings in the players wallet before the Decentraland scene loads. The check is executed on Matic Testnet which implies that an ownership change on Ethereum Mainnet didn’t affect the closed beta accessibility.

We decided to change this by allowing anyone who has acquired an access ring after the snapshot [and doesn’t own a ring on Matic Testnet] to claim a single “Ring of the Latecomer” which grants access to the beta.

Only 199 of these rings are issued on Matic Testnet. Get yours now!

Note: Ensure that you’ve connected your account with Discord. Our bot periodically checks connected accounts and grants/revokes access to the #closed-beta channel.

How to get an early access ring on Mainnet

1. Early Access Rings are selling on OpenSea

One way to get early access to the Chainbreakers beta version is to purchase a CBR NFT (Chainbreakers Rings) on OpenSea — There are plenty of different rings available on Ethereum Mainnet.

Once you’ve acquired the ring, you can claim your “Ring of the Latecomer” in your account management.

Find more information around the different ring quality levels in the #info channel on the official Chainbreakers Discord.

2. Invite trusted friends by temporarily borrowing your ring

In case a friend of yours already owns an early access ring and you trust each other, you can ask him to send over the NFT to you on Mainnet. Once you’ve claimed your ring on Matic Testnet, the early access ring can be returned.

Note: Only do this if you are sure that your friend sends the ring back.

