Showing Progress at NIFTY in Hong Kong

Qwellcode GmbH
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2018

Our team attended the NIFTY blockchain-gaming and NFT hackathon/conference in Hong Kong last week. We met our friends and partners from the blockchain industry and unveiled some of our recent work to the public.

Esteban, Ari, Rene, Jake and Patrick after the Decentraland Alpha Presentation

Esteban Ordano presented a teaser of the Etheremon experience that our team at Qwellcode has been implementing using the Decentraland SDK. The project is a combined effort of the Etheremon, Qwellcode, and Decentraland teams and is still a work in progress. However, it felt great to finally show the public what our company has been working on!

The official Etheremon VR teaser shown in Estebans presentation

In addition to Etheremon, we shared the new client with several people at the hackathon area- this is the first time we’ve shared this with the outside world! A few weeks ago, we decided to make the game a Decentraland launch title, and all of the positive feedback from everyone at the hackathon got was very motivating, especially the one we received from the Decentraland team.

In the upcoming weeks we are going to unveil more info about the NFT crowdsale which is being prepared right now. Some of the 3D item models were already previewed during the conference, so you can expect to see those-and more-for sale soon.

We were glad to see Jaynti Kanani from Matic Network spontaneously came over from India to join the NIFTY conference! We have decided to use their second layer scalability solution for Chainbreakers and will dig deeper into the technical implementation over the next weeks and months.

The NIFTY event has been amazing, and we are excited to join the next edition of this hackathon/conference format.

