Updated Chainbreakers Release

Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2019

Chainbreakers is a launch title for Decentraland and won’t be released before the metaverse has officially launched. Right now our team primarily focuses on content creation for the Decentraland title and the recently announced Layer 2 game “Chainbreakers: Trial of Artemis”.

Static Scene Deployment to Decentraland Beta

Despite the delay, we’ll consecutively deploy static versions of Chainbreakers’ quest areas (without NPCs, GUI and gameplay) to the closed beta. We are talking to friends, partners from the ecosystem and community members who are willing to provide their LAND for hosting — Thanks a lot!

One of the three quest areas that have remained unannounced

The Chainbreakers Closed Beta

The Chainbreakers Beta status remains “Closed” due to the fact that setting up Matic Network in combination with Decentraland client is kinda tricky at the moment. However, their team is constantly improving the UX to provide better accessibility for players that struggle with the tutorial.

Also: Gas prices during the last two weeks have shown us that it wouldn’t be feasible to take the shortcut and move Chainbreakers on Ethereum Mainnet. That experience just wouldn’t match the expectations of our team.

The on-boarding website of the Chainbreakers Closed Beta

That being said, the official release date of the Chainbreakers Decentraland title is moved to Q4/2019 but the recently announced PVP arena game Trial of Artemis will be released in late October! Learn more in the announcement.

