The equity blockchain

Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

As we move into the next phase of development Ermin our CTO shares some insight into the blockchain and what we can expect.

The development at Chainium currently runs in three parallel streams:

• Blockchain development

• Service level protocols

• Chainium Platform

The blockchain team have been very busy delivering our first epic in the last few weeks. The first epic represents the first tangible release of our public blockchain.

Activity during the last sprint:

• Tuning our transaction validation engine

• Completing all action types needed for the primary and secondary offer

• Developing “Asset Code Domain” module

• Delivering our Chainium Wallet — a front-end interface to our blockchain solution

• Working on the message propagation protocol

The transaction Validation Engine is improved and robust. The way the transaction validation is implemented is described in our GitHub repository which you can find here.

All action types needed to support the transactions on primary and secondary equity markets are implemented, and a description can be found in this document.

The Asset Code Domain is the feature that enables user-friendly naming of company assets on the public blockchain. Asset code is a user-friendly name representing the asset hash.

The “Chainium Wallet” is actually a frontend interface of our blockchain implementation. It allows users to submit transactions directly on the public blockchain. The first version of Chainium wallet supports the following features:

• The ability to create a Chainium wallet with a private key and corresponding Chainium address

• Transfer CHX tokens from one address to another

• Transfer assets (Tokenized equity) from one investor account to another

• View transaction info on the blockchain

• View block info on the blockchain

As part of this sprint we have already started with the next epic which is implementing the “Leader-based blockchain network”.

Further information on how to access, use and test the new wallet will come through shortly but in the meantime here are a few snapshots of what you can expect.

Desktop Wallet Mock-Up
Tablet Wallet Mock-Up
Laptop Wallet Mock-up

Chainium has rebranded to Own. For more information about our brand change please read this medium post.

