Chainode Tech funds and supports the integration of ICON Network on State of the DApps

Chainode Tech
Chainode Tech
Published in
4 min readMar 11, 2020

As Chainode Tech, one of our main focuses when starting the journey as a P-Rep Candidate for the ICON Network back in May 2019, was to actively contribute to the expansion of the ICON Ecosystem. We believe that being focused, consistent and working towards a specific goal is part of what makes a journey successful.

We joined ICON even before the decentralization phase and since then achieved several milestones that we are really proud of and that can act as a statement of our mission: we created the ICON Ecosystem portal, that acts as a go-to place for any user interested in finding DApps and tools built on the ICON Network, we initiated the #ICONweekly campaign, which was one of the first social campaigns designated to share a summary of the most important events within the ICON Project on a weekly basis and we also created the social identity of ICON Ecosystem, which up to this point managed to gain over 540 followers and reached a total of 300.000 impressions on Twitter in the last 3 months (all organic results). These achievements translate in an increased awareness around the ICON Project and a more united and systematic Ecosystem around it.

When working towards our strategy of expanding the ICON Ecosystem and its reach, we stumbled upon a platform that we really liked, State of the DApps, which is a portal where users can find all the DApps created on certain Networks, so facilitating the integration of ICON Network on the State of the DApps platform was perfectly aligned with our mission within the ICON project. The fact that this could bring a whole new flow of users in the ICON Ecosystem, that were interested in decentralized applications, immediately clicked with us. Seeing the fact that we were on the 37th position in the P-Rep top, and that we also had other ongoing costs that had to be covered by our rewards, we decided to apply for a Contribution Proposal in order to receive a grant from the ICON Foundation that would help us enable the integration. Unfortunately, even though our proposal required the least amount of funding compared to other DApp platforms and was really competitive against the performance of the other portals, the proposal was rejected.

After accepting the decision of ICON Foundation we gave considerate thought to the situation and decided to take the lead and fund the integration as Chainode Tech, from our own funds. We are really excited about supporting and facilitating this integration, as State of the DApps really is a platform that will greatly benefit the ICON Ecosystem and its expansion. Some of the reasons why we believe in the project can be found below:

  1. State of the DApps is currently ranking on the first place on Google organic search for the keyword „blockchain dapps“ and on the first results page for „decentralized applications“. This means that if a user types these keywords on Google, he/she will receive the State of the DApps platform as one of the first options. The #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR (Click Through Rate) of 31.7%¹. This could bring a lot of new users, not only to the ICON Network, but to the ICON Network DApps, contributing to the growth of the whole ICON Ecosystem;
  2. After the integration of ICON, all ICON DApps can submit their projects to the platform free of charge;
  3. The platform offers qualitative customer support;
  4. Various useful features are available such as rankings of the DApps based on the 24h number of users, dev activity for the last 30 days, volume of the last 7 days, etc.

We would like to inform the community that the work of Chainode Tech will not end once the integration is done, but will actually continue as we will be responsible of promoting the DApp platform and bring as many ICON DApps as possible to State of the DApps in order to achieve the maximum awareness for the ICON Ecosystem. The support offered to the ICON DApps to facilitate their submission, the constant research of accurate data as well as promotion within and outside of the community will require constant energy and resources from our side, so we really appreciate every vote coming from the ICON community that will help our team to continue our work.

We are happy that we managed to fulfill our objective even after receiving a „no“ as an answer, and we are committed to maintain this process fair, open and pro-active. Stay tuned for future updates!


