Chainode Tech Transparency Report ICON Network — Q1 2020

Chainode Tech
Chainode Tech
Published in
7 min readApr 16, 2020

Q1 of 2020 was one hell of a quarter, but at Chainode Tech we used these months to build and continue to bring our contribution to the decentralized world. If anything, the current global situation pushed us to work even harder, as in times of change there is nothing more important than to be prepared for when opportunities come up. With this being said, we would like to share some of our contributions to the ICON Project in Q1 of 2020.

Funding the integration of ICON Network on State of the DApps

One of the things that we are most happy about is the fact that despite a negative answer from the ICON Foundation for our Contribution Proposal to add ICON on State of the DApps platform, we still made it happen.

We never preach something if we do not believe in it. State of the DApps was in our opinion the best choice for ICON as a DApp aggregator and we did not stop until we made it happen. Some of the reasons why decided to fund this are:

  1. State of the DApps is currently ranking on the first place on Google organic search for the keyword “dapps” and „blockchain dapps“ and on the first results page for „decentralized applications“. This means that if a user types these keywords on Google, he/she will receive the State of the DApps platform as one of the first options. The #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR (Click Through Rate) of 31.7%¹. This could bring a lot of new users, not only to the ICON Network, but to the ICON Network DApps, contributing to the growth of the whole ICON Ecosystem;

2. After the integration of ICON, all ICON DApps can submit their projects to the platform free of charge;

3. The platform offers qualitative customer support;

4. Various useful features are available such as rankings of the DApps based on the 24h number of users, dev activity for the last 30 days, volume of the last 7 days, etc.

Supporting the integration of ICON Network on State of the DApps

Something that the ICON Community might not be aware of is that we were also the ones that researched and added all the ICON DApps that are currently on the State of the DApps platform. As a P-Rep team on the 41th place in the P-Rep top, we had no choice but to negotiate a better price for the integration, so we overtook some of the tasks that otherwise would have been provided by the State of the DApps team. This was done in order to afford the integration price.

In addition to this, we also created customized social visuals for each DApp and shared them on our Twitter and Telegram accounts, in order to increase the awareness of the DApps and implicitly, increase the awareness of ICON. An example of such a visual can be found below:

ICON Network Testnet

In Q1 we continued to be active on Testnet, and we have been active since Testnet phase 1 back in 2019. We can’t stress enough the importance of a Testnet in blockchain stability, and it is unhealthy to see that so many P-Reps, including main P-Reps, do not bother to strengthen not only their technical knowledge but the security of the ICON Network. The Testnet is a playground for teams to test, stress test and improve the network in order to therefore upgrade the mainnet as well. This leads to a stronger platform and skilled validators. Our hope is to see many more teams being active there.

#ICONweekly social campaign

One of the first contributions that we included in our P-Rep Candidate Proposal back in 2019 was the creation of the #ICONweekly social campaign on Twitter and Telegram, a campaign that is designed to deliver the latest news around the ICON Ecosystem in a compressed and easier to digest manner, on a weekly basis. This is important to us, because time is one of the most important resources we have, and we want to make sure that ICON Community members have access to the latest news without spending countless hours on research. Therefore, in Q1 we delivered 12 #ICONweekly posts.

If you are not following the campaign already, make sure to do so by following our Twitter or Telegram accounts.

ICON Ecosystem platform and social identity

Similar to the #ICONweekly campaign, the creation of the ICON Ecosystem platform was a promise in our Contribution Proposal. Therefore, the platform is live and currently hosts 23 ICON DApps and 26 ICON tools. It is the place to go for any ICON Community member, developer, or simply someone that wants to find out what was actually built on ICON until now. Our work consists in constantly researching, adding new DApps and tools to the platform and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Regarding the ICON Ecosystem social identity, we are happy to share that the ICON Ecosystem Twitter account managed by our team gathered almost 230K impressions in Q1. We are constantly sharing relevant news and supporting the ICON Ecosystem, and therefore increase the awareness around the project.

A few more numbers:

  • 2.5K impressions per day
  • 465 Link clicks

*We would like to highlight the fact that all the above numbers are organic results, meaning that there were no paid ads or promotions.

Events and networking in Switzerland

In terms of events and networking, our team was planning to attend the “Towards Success of Enterprise Blockchain in Your Business” event that was supposed to take place at the University of Zürich, where ICONLOOP was part of the event agenda. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic, the event was postponed. The good news though is that the event will take place online, and now all ICONists can join the meeting from around the world and show their support towards the great work done at ICONLOOP. You can find more details as well as a registration link for the free webinar here:

P-Rep Meetings and Governance Meetings

This Q1 we were happy to attend both P-Rep meetings and Governance meetings in order to represent our voters and speak up when needed. We really enjoyed participating in every meeting and we are looking forward to the next ones.

Picture belongs to Everstake, as we forgot to take a screenshot :)

What we would like to add to this point are some of the suggestions we spoke about in the #2 P-Rep Governance meeting, where we discussed directly with the ICON Foundation representatives:

  1. Identities that don’t run a node shouldn’t earn rewards. The solution we suggested: set identities that don’t run a node as inactive if the node isn’t up for a certain period of time (x days). These identities can be set again as active with a certain transaction. If one identity goes inactive multiple times, after a certain number of cases (y times) they should get a slash. Monitoring of the P-Reps can be made by using the latest block height of every node.
  2. Exchanges can potentially harm the definition of Delegated Proof of Contribution. If they only participate for rewards, we don’t see their added contribution. Even worse, if users won’t have the tokens locked, they do not respect the rules every other P-Rep has.

Rest assured that we will continue to express our thoughts and solutions based on multiple years of experience as solution architects, early blockchain adopters, investors, growth marketers and last but not least ICON community members.

