Blockchain platform æternity launches foundations, will fund innovative projects

Giulio Prisco
ChainRift Research
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2018

Blockchain technology platform æternity is launching two foundations in Liechtenstein and Bulgaria, that will provide grants and educational support to innovative blockchain projects.

The Bulgarian foundation will focus on supporting projects throughout the Balkans, while the Liechtenstein-based foundation will have an international focus.

A press release states that the æternity Crypto Foundation, based in Liechtenstein, will support research and development efforts in blockchain technology, cryptography, and mathematics. Initially, the Foundation will provide grants up to one million CHF, paid in cryptocurrency.

Through the creation of these two foundations, “æternity takes a significant step toward establishing a support structure for the global blockchain ecosystem,” said Yanislav Malahov, Founder of æternity.

“Blockchain is a technology with such unlimited potential that has yet to be tapped. By partnering with universities and other institutions and offering grants, we will provide the necessary infrastructure for people to develop significant ideas and unlock blockchain’s ability to solve long-standing problems across a variety of industries.”

Founded in 2016, æternity is an open-source, blockchain-based distributed computing platform that builds on decentralized cryptographic P2P technology.

Nikola Stojanow, CBDO of æternity and Chairman of the Board at æternity Foundation Bulgaria, told ChainRift Research: “As blockchain technology has continued to gain traction, the question of how to ensure society becomes educated on this nascent topic has come to the fore. The launch of the æternity Foundation Bulgaria highlights our commitment to answering this question by furthering blockchain education and advancing the development of this extraordinary technology throughout the Balkans.”

“We encourage institutes of education throughout the Balkans to get in touch with us to discuss this exciting opportunity to create Blockchain 101 courses together, and educate the new generation of Blockchain enthusiasts.”

Marion Vogel, Director of æternity, added:

“The Crypto Foundation Liechtenstein will act as a support base for innovative blockchain projects internationally. The true potential of blockchain is yet to be fully discovered, and it is our hope that by partnering with institutes of education and offering grants, we will give people the confidence to develop their wildest ideas and embark on revolutionary projects that will change society for the better.”

For more information about the two foundations and view application forms, please visit and

Image from æternity Crypto Foundation.



Giulio Prisco
ChainRift Research

Writer, futurist, sometime philosopher. Author of “Tales of the Turing Church” and “Futurist spaceflight meditations.”