BEAM is coming to ChainRift

Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019

We’re proud to announce that ChainRift is ready to open up BEAM trading in the next few days.

Register on the ChainRift trading platform and get verified ahead of time for a streamlined trading experience as soon as the trading opens.

You can get the latest news on the exact BEAM listing date via our community Telegram channel or on Twitter.

What is BEAM?

BEAM is the first cryptocurrency to implement the Mimblewimble protocol. The key value proposition behind BEAM is to offer a confidential & scalable store of value with opt-in auditability.

Key features:

  • Full control over privacy: The user decides which information will be available and to which parties.
  • Confidentiality without a scalability trade-off: Confidential transactions conceal transaction value and sender/receiver information without bloating the blockchain through use of the “cut-through” feature of Mimblewimble*.
  • No ICO. No premine.
  • Deflationary monetary policy: ~263 million coins to be issued total with periodic halfing.
  • Leverages Dandelion++ to further improve confidentiality in the P2P layer.

Happy trading!

* Fun fact: Mimblewimble is a reference to a tongue-tying spell from the Harry Potter series — used to stop people from spilling secrets (or in this case, transaction information!)

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