Announcing ChainSafe Storage

Colin Schwarz
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2021

ChainSafe is excited to launch ChainSafe Storage, our latest product within the distributed storage ecosystem.

ChainSafe has been long time supporters of Protocol Labs, IPFS and Filecoin. Our involvement in the space began when we received a grant to build Forest, an implementation of the Filecoin blockchain written in Rust. As the Filecoin launch drew closer in the summer of 2020, we began to think about how we might add additional value to this amazing ecosystem throughout its vertical.

Filecoin represents an incredibly powerful tool for distributed file hosting but requires a considerable amount of expertise to interact with directly. We wanted to build tools and products that would help make this new technology more accessible and easier to use for both developers and end users. To this end, we began building ChainSafe Files which we launched in Beta in December of 2020.

ChainSafe Files is a highly secure, privacy preserving file storage service that abstracts away all of the complexities of IPFS and Filecoin to deliver an intuitive user experience. The product uses IPFS for hot storage and Filecoin for archival storage and redundancy. All Files are end-to-end encrypted and the product supports anonymous sign-in via a crypto wallet. We also support Torus identity management for secure account recovery and additional sign in options. You can read more about ChainSafe Files in this article.

ChainSafe Files was built using ChainSafe Storage, a backend written in Go that supports the file system and seamlessly connects to IPFS and Filecoin. A big part of ChainSafe’s mission is to empower developers to innovate and create value in the Web 3.0 space. Based on our experience building ChainSafe Files on top of ChainSafe Storage, we decided to release ChainSafe Storage to the public so that other devs and organizations could use and build on it.

The front end of ChainSafe Storage consists of a pinning service that allows users to publicly pin and unpin files to IPFS, backed up to Filecoin. The service also exposes our APIs by providing API keys on demand, to allow anyone to build additional products that connect to Filecoin and IPFS.

ChainSafe Storage is also Amazon S3 compatible to allow for easy integrations with existing web2 storage solutions. Storage provides a simple and intuitive pinning service but should also be seen as a set of tools to allow anyone to easily connect to and build on IPFS and Filecoin. Storage will feature comprehensive documentation to make it as easy as possible for devs to build with. We are happy to offer a developer facing product within this incredible ecosystem and are excited to see what people will build using this software. ChainSafe Storage is currently in Beta. We invite you to try it out and explore the many possibilities that building with Storage unlocks.

If you would like to get in touch about using Storage for your project or idea, reach out to If you have any questions or require support, you can contact our support channel on Discord.



Colin Schwarz

Helping to build Web3 for a better world. Passionate about product and usability.