Case Study: Untitled Platformer by NFTPixels

Evan Wells
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2023
Banner image: playable NFT characters in NFTPixel’s Untitled game.

“The web3.unity SDK is, if you want to put it in bold — convenience. The SDK provides a convenience that no other product solution or library does.”


  • Untitled is a 2D, side-scrolling platformer built by the developer NFTPixels
  • Blockchain integrations are deployed on the Skale protocol
  • An automated Signer system lets players play without typical blockchain interference
  • All smart contracts in Untitled are powered by ChainSafe Gaming’s web3.unity SDK

Untitled is a quirky, 32-bit multiplayer side scroller that defies the play-to-earn model. The game is fun, accessible, and is creator NFTPixels’ stand against the obscene costs and somewhat unsightly blockchain elements that have so far restricted web3 games from regular players.

NFTPixels leverages ChainSafe’s web3.unity SDK to power all of Untitled’s smart contracts. The SDK communicates all analytical and wallet/transaction events in the game, communicating them with the Skale network automatically. The result is a gaming experience that not only incorporates blockchain features under-the-hood, but measures up to gamers’ built-in UX expectations.

NFTPixels’ story

Untitled is a passion project that had actually been put on ice before NFTPixels discovered ChainSafe’s web3.unity SDK, and later the Skale network. Due to difficulties in building a seamless experience on other networks, the developer at one time decided to shelve the project.

Then NFTPixels discovered ChainSafe while exploring the possibility of including blockchain integrations in the game, a motive that was more of a thought than a plan until they worked with ChainSafe.

“For a long time [onchain economy] wasn’t even going to be a feature set. Then I actually found ChainSafe — I stumbled across some videos, showing people how to do things, and I eventually found my way into ChainSafe’s Discord.”

Their experience talking to developers on ChainSafe’s team was friendly, fruitful and extremely attentive. NFTPixels remarks that “The support is next to none. The turnaround times are usually minutes”.

“They basically taught me the SDK in like 6 months. It allowed me to really expand on the game and implement some really, really creative things.”

Untitled has been a breakout hit among gamers with its mostly-unseen blockchain integrations. In August 2023, Untitled unlocked some impressive achievements:

  • #5 Blockchain game on DappRadar
  • Over 100,000 Unique Active Wallets
  • Over 15,000 Daily Active Wallets
  • A median play time of 1 hour 45 minutes

Why NFTPixels chose ChainSafe

Starting out with web3 integrations, NFTPixels was working to make token-getting work at the outset. After finding our YouTube tutorials and joining ChainSafe’s Discord, NFTPixels received one-on-one help getting the SDK integrated into their code.

They remark on the attentiveness and dedication from our team in helping them understand the SDK. For about 6 months, NFTPixels was submitting code to us and learning the SDK from our ChainSages — members of the community that were elevated into a paid position at ChainSafe.

The build

Untitled uses the web3.unity SDK to execute three major smart contracts:

NFT contract

  • Minting player avatars
  • Renting avatars

Analytical contract

  • Claiming token rewards
  • Tracks events, like collecting tokens or completing an easter egg

Token contract

  • Powers UNT, the ERC-20 standard in-game currency

The web3.unity SDK powers most of the invisible automation that’s occurring during a play session. ChainSafe’s SDK is used to check account balances, character selection, check balances, mint a character, make token checks, and supports the game in creating new wallets.

Untitled is an extremely accessible game due to its largely-unseen automated processes. The use of Signers — “temporary” wallets that handle frequent mundane transactions — allows the game’s blockchain integrations to occur without interrupting the player.

NFTPixels credits our SDK with giving them the leeway to explore the kinds of creative design options that ultimately have made Untitled such a big hit.

“It took away so many problems that I had to deal with and opened up a lot of new doors. And that’s when the automation came in. That’s when the social sign-ons with the Torus wallet became an option for instance. Or transaction shaking. All these extra things popped up after I initially configured the game.”

Build with ChainSafe

ChainSafe Gaming provides all the tools for building blockchain games, from dashboard setup to chain selection, indexing, and beyond.

ChainSafe Gaming is home to mission-critical tooling spanning web3.unity, an open-source library connecting games built with Unity to the blockchain, as well as an NFT minter, and in-game marketplace.

Check us out:

Web3.unity SDK

Consulting Services

Contact us at to talk about your project.

We support:

  • WebGL
  • iOS/Android

Compatible with EVM-based chains, such as:

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Moonbeam
  • Cronos
  • Nervos, and more.

