Got Goals For 2021? It’s Never Been Easier To Find And Connect With People Who Can Help!

Sarah Lacy
Chairman Mom
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2021

I take New Year’s Resolutions seriously.

In January, the Chairman Mom community always has interesting threads and accountability groups pop up, aimed at helping women be their best selves. (Here’s one for this year!)

This year I want to share a new tool to get your New Year’s resolution on track: NeedHop, a marketplace that allows you to compensate people for their time instead of “picking their brain” for free over coffee. It allows people to get paid fairly for their life experience and also gives you access to phenomenal talent and brains without having to know someone who knows them or make a cold ask.

NeedHop is an awesome accountability tool for keeping those resolutions on track. Unlike a big ongoing financial commitment like a gym membership, you pay for exactly what you need. And the array of mentors on NeedHop is as varied as your list of resolutions. Plus, aside from our transaction fee, that money is all going to someone who has worked hard to get that knowledge. It feels amazing to be paid for your expertise. Especially as a woman.

And because it’s a two-way marketplace, you could probably pay for 45 minutes of someone’s time and then turn around and get paid for your own expertise. (Maybe the resolution you nailed last year?)

Here’s a partial list of NeedHop folks I have recommended to family and friends to help them with their New Year’s resolutions. Everyone on this list I’ve either booked or know well. I personally vouch for all of them!

We are cruising through mid-January, how are you doing on your goals for 2021? Find someone on NeedHop who can help, or add a comment and I’ll personally find you someone amazing who is a subject matter expert on whatever you are trying to achieve this year!

