Want To Win at PR in 2021? You’ll Need To Be Good At These 10 Things.

Sarah Lacy
Chairman Mom
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020

The PR game has changed. The things that used to work are no longer scalable and repeatable, customers and employees are quick to call out brands on their mistakes, and it’s hard to know where to invest your time and resources in the crowded media landscape. But if you master these ten things, then you can seize opportunity in every news feed and build a brand that everyone wants to talk to.

  1. Knowing your story and how to tell it. Do you have a framework to figure out what your story is and how to tell it, whether that’s a startup launch, a new product, what your brand stands for, or your own personal brand and story.
  2. Messaging and positioning your story. If the story part is the art, this is the science. Your story needs to adapt to the audience. Do you know how to tell your story to get maximum traction and excitement from the audience?
  3. Mastering the anatomy of a launch. Do you have a step-by-step guide so you know exactly what assets you need, how long it takes, what to expect, the top 20 outlets to reach out to, and how to avoid making costly mistakes? Having a guide will help you launch a company, a new product, or a personal story.
  4. Modern media training. How to make the most of media opportunities and avoid making major mistakes once you’ve got the media’s attention.
  5. Knowing what you stand for. If you know what you stand for, then it is easy to respond to social movement, political issues, and incorporate cultural touch points into your marketing.
  6. Living your values. It’s one thing to make a statement, but what are you doing to show that your values guide your actions?
  7. Handling leaks. It’s the season of the whistleblower. Do you know how to address the anti-PR that may be coming from within your own company?
  8. Creating good content. Do you know how to produce content that produces long-term value? Content is king. You need to know how to use it!
  9. Getting your good content out to the right audience. Social media is not a one-size fits all solution. Have you realistically identified what kind of social media archetype you are, and where your brand will play best?
  10. Rolling your own PR. Journalists have never liked getting pitches from PR firms, and as media has gotten harder to earn, the industry is adjusting. Do you know how to pitch media outlets? How do you fit media relations into your already over-burdened life?!

If you found yourself stumbling over any of these ten things, then it’s time to invest in the skills needed to master PR, branding, and storytelling. I have teamed up with Lesley Gold, the founder of the legendary tech PR firm Sutherland Gold, to create New Media Masters, an interactive, personalized, online course that will give you everything you need to get the media coverage you want and that your story deserves!

Whether you are totally new to this or had a successful launch in the past and just want to adjust to the times we live in, this course will give you real tangible value that’s relevant to your business and your challenges. And you’ll have an award-winning journalist and PR exert there to coach you every step of the way! Sign up TODAY!

