Building A Defensive Portfolio & Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) — [Chaka Weekly Webinar, Mar. 12, 2020]

Feranmi Akeredolu
Published in
Mar 16, 2020

Every Thursday, we discuss major headlines in the local & global markets and share timeless investment ideas. We also have a user education session where you get to learn how to use the Chaka platform to invest in your favourite brands.

Here’s a complete visual walkthrough of the mobile platform:

On this webinar, we explored the oil market crisis and had a practical session on how to choose defensive assets in your portfolio and a comparison between dollar-cost averaging and lump-sum investing.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get the recording for the first discussion on the oil market and price war between Saudi and Russia.

But we have the discussion on defensive assets and advantages of dollar-cost averaging.

Watch below:

Join the next live webinar

Join us this Thursday as we take on some other interesting investment topics.

