A Kind of Determination!

My winning piece by The Writing Cooperative and Chalkboard Magnet Poetry Prompt!

AK (Aaska Aejaz)


Image Source: Unsplash, Photo by Matthew Brodeur

I will run
I’ll keep running till my feet will not bleed
I’ll keep running till my breath will not shatter
I’ll keep screaming till my throat will not get numb
I’ll keep calling till I don’t see humans with humanity
I will run
I’ll keep fighting till my soul is imprisoned in my body
I’ll keep helping till my conscience is lightening up my mind
I’ll keep telling till nobody will hear my enthusiastic endeavor
I’ll keep standing till expectations will give me the strength to awake
I will run
I’ll keep continuing till the pain will not change into enduring
I’ll keep carrying till humanity’s weight will not convert into a shelter
I’ll keep exploring till kindness will not rise as a new morning in Universe
I’ll keep running till mankind will not escalate in ruthlessness’s era of cruelty!

I will keep running because I know…



AK (Aaska Aejaz)

Determined, Discoverer, Researcher, Achiever, Ist priority is humanity, Words are my life, Love is my attitude, I’m a peacemaker, and brave enough for helping!