Announcing: Let me edit that for you

Call for collaborations

Kathy Jacobs
3 min readJul 4, 2017


UPDATE: We have increased the word limit on stories — now accepting stories of 1000 words!

The power of flash fiction lies in its concentration: each word bears much greater weight than in a longer story. Have you ever noticed how adding one phrase can completely change the feeling, mood, or meaning of the entire piece?

Our new collaboration “Let me edit that for you” will explore just how hilarious the change can be. You can choose to entrust your flash fiction piece to the care of an assigned editor, or perform the solemn duty of editing someone else’s submission. (Or both.)

So, what kind of edits are we talking about? Merely the addition of a phrase, such as:

  • then the murders began
  • save for the cow
  • in accordance with the prophecy.

We have several other phrases we plan on using, but we are keeping those under wraps until the project starts.

To be clear: For each accepted story, just one editor will be adding a single phrase in one location only.

Join the fun

Before we start assigning editors to stories, we want you all to get involved in the creating our list of phrases. Fill in this Google form once for each phrase you want to submit.

We also need writers and editors of the pieces, so we’ve created a Google Form for each:

(If you aren’t already a Chalkboard writer, we will add you as a writer for the publication.)


  • You can submit phrases for the project at any time during the life of the project.
  • You can sign up to be an editor between July 7th and July 21st.
  • You can submit stories between July 10th and July 28th.
  • Stories will be published at the end of every week during the project.

Before you submit your story…

We’ve got a few requests for how you lay it out.


We’ve recently heard stories of commercial entities in the US suing bloggers for using their copyright images. Please don’t let that happen to us! Make sure any images you use are licensed appropriately — a safe bet is sticking to CC0 or public domain — and correctly attributed.

(Yes, we know you don’t need to attribute CC0 images, but it doesn’t take long to add a link, and it lets everyone see the licensing information. Also, don’t you think we all deserve recognition for our creative work, even when we put it out there for free?)

Want to make Kathy really happy? Like, ecstatic? Make your featured image at least 900 pixels on at least one side.


Please make sure to add the tag “Edit That” to your story before you submit it. You’re welcome to use any other tags we like, but using both “Flash Fiction” and “Short Story” will help readers find you and boost your views and reads stats.



Kathy Jacobs

💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.