Robert Faron
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2019
moe-kong — z0qCw5wBhQ-unsplash.jpg

By Robert Faron

This piece is a Write or Die response to Totally Not Scary in response to Yamimi MacLean’s Prompt


He was looking for the smile to rush,
And to see you blush,
As the fears fade
From BOOOHOO to a new you!

The light comes from the Moon’s bars,
Where clueless men hit on you like wild animals so near,
But soon he was with you dear,
WHOOOSH, to blow away your fears.

He will kiss away fears,
The fears of loveless years,
And your light will GLOOOW,
As your tears of joy flow,
Down your lovely nose.

Worry leads to aging,
Loneliness turns us to stone,
But you won’t take that path alone,
And together you will SCOOOT away,
Through life to a new day.

You will like his room,
As a place to ZOOOM,
Away from any fear that comes from
The bad man in the Moon’s tomb!

Copyright 2019 Robert Faron

@Indiri Reddy, @Michelle Muses, and @Elizabeth Helmich you have been entered to the Hell of the Dead by me. To escape to the Living Hall, you will have to recreate this piece in your own words or extend it as part of the Write or Die collaboration. Failure to comply will leave your name and soul in the Hell of the Dead.



Robert Faron

Retired, but not from life and love, adding poetry to a life exploring metaphor.