
Chalkboard One Line Poetry prompt for October 7th, 2020

Cie Turvey
1 min readOct 7, 2020


Photo by Lakeisha Bennett on Unsplash

Soft centre
Inside a shell, hard petals
Hold fast — a heart could be forgiven
For starting outside
Itself, waking
With the wild wind, unfurling
Solace, serenity.

Your Turn

THEME: Bloom

Share your own one-line poem on the theme as a response to this post, or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer. Tag your piece “One Line”. If you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.

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Thank you, Kathy and Harper for looking after the wonderful world of Chalkboard for us all ❤



Cie Turvey

tourist of the world beneath . writer of fairytales . drinks tea . paints pictures . more mumblings at