
Sherryn Anderson
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2017


Unsplash Photo: Noah Silliman

Your fire burned sweet and soft
Its beauty attracted us
Its warmth kept us near
Inspired by your rhythm
we danced
Each to our own beat
As flames flickered across our bodies
giving light to who we truly are
We heaped wood and watched
your fire blaze ever brighter
“Brilliant”, we said.
Little did we know we were growing
a funeral pyre
As we watched in awe
of sparks flying high into the night sky,
the hot fire
that astonished us
depleted your oxygen
Stole the beauty that so attracted
And your beautiful light left us.
And hopefully a touch
More gentle.

  • For Tre. You are missed. Hoping that you find that“just right” spot for your heart light that cannot help but to shine so bright. ❤



Sherryn Anderson

mother, storyteller, closet poet, chronically hopeful heart attack survivor @peacefulheart13