
”I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” (*)

Harper Thorpe
1 min readAug 22, 2018


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Hear “do”? I don’t
His “would”, her “won’t”
What was meant
Wasn’t sent
What was read
Wasn’t said

Still perplexed
Check context
Improve chances
Of expanding

(*) Quote attributed to Alan Greenspan, Robert McCloskey, and other sources

©2018 HHThorpe

Your turn…

THEME: Context

Share your own one-line poem on the theme as a response to this post, or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer. Tag your piece “One Line” and, if you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.

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Thanks to our host, Kathy Jacobs and the entire Chalkboard team!



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!