Curtains over my mind

Pratik Routray
Published in
May 20, 2021
Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Laying on the bed ,shadows consuming me

someone please put a curtain over my mind.

Your Turn

THEME: Curtains

Share your own one-line poem on the theme as a response to this post or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer. Tag your piece “One Line”. If you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.

Its been almost half a year since my last post I am glad to be back. I wont promise anything but I will try my best to be consistent.



Pratik Routray

poet,writer and haiku addict,my goal:to leave behind a collection of memories through my various works, which will endure long after I have vanished from earth!