Dactylo Waltz, an excercise

Chris Coolsma
Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2020

Response to the one line poetry prompt Spiraling out of control by Jennifer Marie Gady


One two three, one two three
we are a spirograph
drawing our dizzying spirals around

Sweetest stay close to me
chiff-chiff-chaff, chiff-chiff-chaff
moves of endearment abound

Response to the One Lined Poetry Prompt of Jennifer Marie Grady, published 16.09.20. Thanks to her and Harper Thorpe, Kathy Jacobs and the Chalkboard community.

I tried to write a poem about spiraling into control. Possible variation: ‘sounds of endearment abound’. The 30-word limit was a real challenge in this exercise with the dactylus. This morning the chiff-chaff was on the radio, he saved me.



Chris Coolsma

Friend of life and beauty and foe of spoilers of life and beauty. Golden marriage. Grandfather. Pianist and micro poet. Dutch, European.