Familial Celestial

Sun similes and moon metaphors

Harper Thorpe


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You, our sun, revered clan matriarch
Me, your planetary amusement park
Our boys —attentive, loving moons
inherited their father’s looney tunes.
Grandkids — there’re no polaroids,
hard corralling the little asteroids.

©2020 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.

Inspired by Ana-Maria Schweitzer’s wonderful poem, “Improbable Sleep” and prompt, “moon.” Thanks also to our hosts, Kathy Jacobs and me (🙃), and the rest of the talented Chalkboard team.

And now, David Bowie sings his classic “Space Oddity” — the current theme of our Familial Celestial as our individual oddities are now socially distant in space.



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!