Free to Be Me

A one-line response to Harper’s thoughtful prompt.

Kim Smyth
May 13, 2021


S Migaj for Unsplash

Alone with my thoughts
Not a bad place to be
Creativity blooms there
Opens my mind to possibilities
Freeing me from chaos and negativity.

I realize May is Mental Health Awareness Month, yet I wanted to take this prompt in a different, more positive direction. I relish my “alone” time more than some may, maybe because I am a creative person. Others have difficulty being alone or are alone too much, and that is a problem. My biggest worry is for our elder community and all the time they spend alone. Call or visit your parents, grandparents, or visit a nursing home and brighten someone’s day.

Thanks to Harper, Kathy, and the entire Chalkboard team for bringing us these weekly prompts! Consider doing a prompt yourself some time!



Kim Smyth

Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.