Hands in Haibun Closing
Gochisosama deshita ~ an unprompted Haibun collaboration with Dewiʻs “Hands in Haibun Closing”)
an invitation:
“Is Haibun food?” you once asked
bowls, humbly offered
Hi writers and readers,
I’m happy (and sad) to announce that our haibun project is now closed until such time if and when we’ll reincarnate it. It’s been such a pleasure reading the prose submissions, guessing where the haiku writers will take them and seeing how they develop.
We had solid responses from both prose and haikus. Since haibuns are quite reflective in nature, I hope this has been a meaningful experience for everyone involved, not just in understanding haibun as a form, but each other and ourselves.
I’d like to invite everyone to browse through some of our writer’s own haiku added to their prompt prose. Not everyone submitted (since it was optional) including myself.
too soon, time has come
bows of gratitude and grace
this soul has been fed
Zev’s masterful tragedy
DHBogucki’s mindful autumn
Indira Reddy’s on finding hope on grey skies
My (Dewi) humbling glacier experience
the alleged kat’s mythical legend
Patrick Faller’s haunting winter scene
For those who haven’t been introduced to this project, I welcome you to look at our completed haibuns and proses here.
I’ll see you in Chalkboard’s next project!
lights flicker to dark
unforgotten, this repast
crickets sing us home