
One Line Tanka Poem

Lubna Yusuf
1 min readMay 30, 2021


Line Art Lubna Yusuf

Topsy turvy world
weaving desire webs with dreams
to take me to you,
cruel time stands in the way
as head separates the heart

Thank you, Kathy Jacobs, Harper Thorpe and all creative members, writers and lovely readers of the Chalkboard team for your presence and support. Thank you Aeishwarya Baviskar for the one-line poetry prompt: Head

I write this with much sadness in my heart, as Chalkboard wraps up its wonderful journey here at Medium and I wish you great success for future destinations.

If you like micro poetry and haiku, you may enjoy reading India’s First Book of Monoku Poems and Illustrations, titled ‘50 Shots of Love’

This one is for love and lovers,
With Love,

Ranked in top 50 of Amazon’s Hot New Releases in Poetry, May 2021



Lubna Yusuf

BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna