Hot Milk

One-Line Poetry Prompt, January 27th — ‘Milk’

Ana-Maria Schweitzer


Photo by Brian Suman on Unsplash

A cup of hot milk,
a longing for childhood,
a yearning for sleep,
incredible whiteness,
burning your tongue,
swathing the mind
with a promise that nature
is nothing but kind.

Your Turn —

Share your own one-line poem (16 to 30 words) or a Chalkboard Espresso (1 to 15 words) on the theme. Tag your piece in response to this post piece and tag your piece “One Line” or “Chalkboard Espresso” as appropriate. If you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.

Thanks to our hosts, Kathy Jacobs and Harper Thorpe, and the entire Chalkboard team for their selfless work.

