This is what she helps me do!!

Inspiration: Fierce Force



The Story of How I Found My Voice on

For so long I had no voice. And if I did, well, no one cared to hear it. My life was in the midst of a downward spiral that would later take me to places I didn’t know existed. I was on Twitter one day and saw a story to a place called

I clicked on the link and just started to read. By the time I was done reading, all I could think about was writing.

It had been almost twenty years since I had written anything meaningful so I was very nervous. Plus, I had NEVER even thought about putting my words where others could read them.

The first piece I wrote was “A Letter To Crystal”. It’s about the beginning of my addiction to crystal meth. Before I hit publish, I sat for a second and thought of all the bad things people who read this would think about me, but I hit publish anyway. I wrote three that day and on my second day is when Fierce Force 💃🏼 shared a link to her story “My Precious Vicodin” and I felt like I was a part of something.

Being a part of something meant more to me than almost anything so I continued to write, almost stopping when things got tough, but after a breath, continuing while flourishing under the encouragement and guidance of this very Fierce Force.

Today, I am on a journey to recovery while in the middle of a battle with my disease of addiction against IV meth. Yes, nasty words I know, but if Fierce Force has taught me anything, and believe there’s a lot, it’s to always speak your truth no matter what, hold your head up high even when it seems like everyone is against you, don’t worry about what anyone thinks just write, write yourself out of the chaos, and when you can’t seem to find a way with your words, your life, your fight remember: WHAT’S IN THE WAY IS THE WAY!!!

I will never be able to fully express how much Fierce Force 💃🏼 has inspired me. So, thank you Fierce Force for teaching me how to get out of my own way, write even when I don’t want to, walk through the FUCKING pain with grace, and to always be Fierce in all that I do. I know I’ve let you down on the last one lately, but I’m working on it. I love you so much and thank you most of all for the gift of my voice.

Thank you Kathy Jacobs for the call to Celebration: Inspiration and to Chalkboard PR .

P.S. Kathy Jacobs I’m not sure I did this correctly so if I didn’t, please feel free to take it and put it in Chalkboard? (If that’s possible.) 😊




This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I can’t wait to see what happens next!!