Image Prompt #9

Dark Streets, Alleys and Lane-ways

Dermott Hayes
2 min readJan 6, 2018


‘Hoey’s Court, birthplace of Jonathan Swift’ credit- Dermott Hayes

In 1875, a violent explosion in a warehouse full of barrels of bonded whiskey caused a raging river of flaming spirit to flow through the narrow streets of Dublin’s old Liberties district. I wrote a poem about it. It’s called ‘Organic.’

I love those old streets because they’re so full of history. Some of them have inspired my poems, like Organic. Some have inspired stories. Sometimes I just take a walk around my neighborhood simply to clear my head and help me focus.

The relevant prompt quote from my poem is:

‘through streets
where people
took to their bare feet
to fill their boots
and drink
the scalding spirit,
pigs, squealed and fried
and chickens roasted,
people died, toasted,
not by fire,
but by flaming spirit’

Maybe these streets will help to inspire you. You might find some more inspiration in the story, Dublin: Cutthroats, Murderers and the Gates of Hell

This is an Imagà Imaginings prompt.

You can respond to this image prompt by either:

  • adding a comment/response directly below this post with your one-liner or caption
  • or, for longer posts creating your draft poem/prose & submitting it to Chalkboard. Here are more instructions.

