Imagà Imaginings [now closed]

a collab call

3 min readJun 2, 2017


Photo by WangMing

As writers, we often look for inspiration from other sources and forms of art or real life. When I run out of creative juices I always like to browse images to inspire me and I’ve found it to be quite productive. We’ve had an amazing collaboration from Ernio Hernandez with Women : Power, and I’d like to follow his lead, but I’m not quite the artist he is, so I’m seeking submissions of images, words, or both for our brand new project.

This collaboration project is all about images, be it photos or illustrations, and about interpreting them, putting your spin on them, offering a different perspective. This can be in the form of one-liners or captions, poems (including prose poems), and stories.

Prompt Me!

  • Browse the gallery and select the images that inspire you.
  • You can create a caption/one-liner poem, poem, or even fiction from the image. Short captions/one liners can just be sent as a response to the image post.
  • For longer pieces, create a separate post and use the image in your post with the same attribution (just copy paste from the original attribution)
  • Mention the original poster by copying the line below and changing the <name> to the prompter’s name so they get notified and can fawn over your fabulous imagination

This is a response to the Imagà Imaginings prompt by <name>.

<Link to original prompt post>

  • Tag it with Imagà Imaginings and any other tags you want to use
  • Submit to Chalkboard as draft. (If you are not yet a writer, please respond to this post and we’ll add you in)

I have an image!

  • If you’d like to submit an image for us to use, please create a draft post with the image attributed as caption “Photo/Image by <image creator>” linked to source if online. See how I credit the photo above if confused
  • Title it as “Image Prompt” and submit to Chalkboard.
  • The editor will put a number on the title to easily differentiate the images. We will put instructions on how to respond to the prompt and update it as new pieces come in that are inspired by the image
  • All images must be legal for us to use, no sending any editors to jail! You can post screenshots of a movie / video as long as you keep the attribution. They should fall under Fair Use
  • Don’t post images you don’t want to show your 10-year-old at home
  • Post images that inspires you as a writer, there are a lot of images out there and we want the best!
  • I’ll compile the images and post it as a gallery for others to get inspired

We’ll keep this project open based on interest, but in general for June. That’s it, too easy. Now get those images and let’s get inspired!

