Inspiration: Tre

Fierce Force 💃🏼
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2017

Inspiring Muse, Writing From Source.

Image Source: Fierce Force

Since this idea of Celebration:Inspiration was birthed Kathy Jacobs , Tre L. Loadholt came to mind. That’s why I said we will have to have a wall for her 😂❤❤.

I didn’t know where to start though. When I saw your poetic piece though Kathy Jacobs,

And the line,

Words fall from her fingers

that was it. The swelling rose up and my words flowed out.


I have such gratitude for her because the first piece I wrote, about such an intense subject matter, “How does it feel to find your your husband is having an Affair?”, she took on, and Published at This Glorious Mess. By affirming me, and taking me under her wing with that -

She gave me my wings.

And I’ve soared every day since. She moves me.

Tre, you move me.

I felt sad when she was gone though I sooooooo got it. Soon however, she was back, and cheers and hugs and kisses were given through the wind amongst us sisters and brothers.

Words fall from her fingers.

Yes, they sure do Kathy. And for that this world is a better place. As she speaks the truth of her own Source, her own Inner Healer, her own Goddess, she speaks the truth for all of us.

She makes our minds FLOW with her words.

It’s beauty and a blessing.

Tre, you are never alone, and you keep us together. Your heart is a collection of love of all of ours.



Fierce Force 💃🏼

Naked On The Page. Mother. Living the next great love story. Want to see what happens next? Follow me, my pen knows best!