One Liner Prompt


Fierce Force 💃🏼
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018


Organically peeling layers with words, naked on my page I courageously expose my fierce truth. Invisible no more, the light enters my wounds and I heal with my pen.

The wound is where the light enters you — Rumi

This quote is used often in A Wrinkle in Time, an incredible hero’s journey with so many different female characters, each with their own fierce attributes. The messages on light, darkness, hope, wounds & scars are so on point. 🙏. In the end, we all find our light from within, even in, no- ESPECIALLY in….the darkness! Each of us has exactly what we need within us to find our way home. ❤️

Your Turn


Share your own one-line poem on the theme as a response to this post, or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer. Tag your piece “One Line” and, if you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.
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Fierce Force 💃🏼

Naked On The Page. Mother. Living the next great love story. Want to see what happens next? Follow me, my pen knows best!