
a one line poem prompt

Allan Rae


When your icy smile averts my gaze, I watch a drop of water on the glass, a bent reflection glistening on the edge and I am reminded yet again, there’s no ceremony on leaving.

Your Turn

Please share your own one-line poem on the word “leaving”. Either as a response to this post, or if you prefer to write it as a stand alone piece, just make sure to leave a link to it in the response section below.

FYI: Responding to a prompt adds you to the notification list.

In 2006 Allan Rae left a career as a flight paramedic to obtain his MFA in creative nonfiction. Today he is a qualitative public health researcher exploring the intersections of HIV, PTSD, and stigma, through personal and community narrative. Allan is also the editorial lead for creative nonfiction at daCunha. Starbucks, satire, and dogs do not displease him.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs. https://allanrae.com