Reflections of the Sea

sestina synthetica by Her Royal Blondeness Elizabeth Helmich, Dad-dad-daddy-O Michael Stalcup, Hannah Hannah Bobannah, Gone Guru Tasneem Kagalwalla, Too Cool for School Kathleen Clarke Anderson, Icky Thump Blackbelt Rachel B. Baxter, and sestina master Heath Houston, Mayor of Funkytown.

Heath ዟ


Stay … forgiving lull recedes, shifting waves
crash against dreams wake, ready to fulfill,
eyes pour over violent coast, insides still.
Denial shouts threats at mute breaks ending,
foamy peaks roll out last whoosh of held breath,
silver sigh drifts off, shadowed remains wonder.

What sun could shine to match that look of wonder?
The coruscations in her eyes when waves
Would catch her by surprise and steal her breath
Away — just moments, then — and so fulfill
A child’s delight, a father’s happy ending;
Now lost at sea, his gaze is on her still.

Other waters under moonlight lay still,
his hand held hers, a silent sweet wonder
set bright against the pall of known endings.
Kisses fiercely pressing lips like the waves,
mere days left, desp’rate longings to fulfil,
the taste of parting suffocating breath.

Soft wafts of brilliant white caress her breath
ashore I, salvaged, lie as time stands still
translucent ebbs and flows, as she fulfills
promises that wait her lighted wonder
life poured into dark, cross shimmering waves
to resurrect in calm never ending.

Before the fine mist fades moonbeams’ ending
she dances themes glitter with silver breath
a lofty beacon raised above the waves
crashing white his soft sandy beaches still
sweet dreams sleep in a sight met with wonder
guiding all hearts of promises fulfill

But will the hope of night daylight fulfill —
The thrill of lust and pleasure never-ending?
The waking heart must stop, the mind wonder,
Will love endure, forever taking the breath
In times of dulling passions, still
Will you imagine me in youthful waves?

Yet fulfilled we lay in similar waves
ending at beginnings, waters flow still —
wonder in our eyes, seafoam on our breath.



Heath ዟ

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.