no more love left

A response to Dewi’s Write or Die prompt

2 min readOct 16, 2019


Mads Schmidt Rasmussen /Unsplash


thats how it feels
thats how its always been.

fell for her
too many times

cant hide
not anymore.

i cant bear it
those pity yielding eyes.

people try to understand
but the pain
the wound
only deepens

too many times.

entwined in a mist of somebody else.

not me.

my life
puppeted by others hands

multiple realities
none my own.

because i dont know anymore.

who do u think i am?

your answer
means the world to me

and now
i dont want this world

your little lies
they mattered a little too much

promised refuge
ripped away

little by little
piece by piece

till nothing was left.

a little outcast.

that was me.

i cant see.


i cant control
or maybe
i dont want to.

bitter taste.
hot angry tears

heart drowning
in all the hate.

pointless existence.

those words ring
in my mind

so harsh
and maybe
even true

too much left of life
i dont want it anymore

i just cant do life anymore

whats the use anyway?

so i let go

my finger gripping
on those
sharp familiar blades

and i press my flesh against it

skin tearing
opening up to

the final pain

a little smile

no more cares in this moral world

but then i stop.

Nour & Aaska Aejaz you have been entered to the Hell of the Dead by me. To escape to the Living Hall, you will have to recreate this piece in your own words or extend it as part of the Write or Die collaboration. Failure to comply will leave your name and soul in the Hell of the Dead.

Check out this link for the Write or Die prompt with its gory details ;)

Author’s note- This piece has been written from the perspective of a person who has changed herself to suit the wants of the persons she is surrounded by. She thinks that there is no more hope in this world.
she is wrong.
there is hope and love, she didn’t see it.

Don’t forget that you are awesome.

If you can relate to this piece please speak up or get professional help.
There is nothing wrong in getting help from others.




student who hopes to share wittily humorous poems, anecdotes, and ideas about navigating adulthood