One Lined Process: Dipping a Hand into the Sea

Betta Tryptophan
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2018

In celebration of One Line poems, National Poetry Month, and the process whereby words coalesce into poetry…

Photo by Johnny Chen on Unsplash


All of us are nodes of perspective,

the many eyes of the universe.


Our next breaths engender a promised renewal.


Lightly tread the paths;

follow the clues,

though you know not what you seek.

Whisper: In dreams, a tremendous, rich ocean whispers lost truths.


Engulfed in the lost world, eyes covered, ears tuned to silence.


No breath of time, we are all waiting.


A silvery fish flickers by,

a neurotransmitter —

engine of inspiration.


The process,

the promenade of myriad expressions,

the leap into the unknown;

such fulsome and infinite celebration!

Visualization of a process that can’t be pinned down…a celebration. Image by Jonathan Lidbeck via Flickr. Image cropped/stretched. License.

A single word can trigger a cascade of imagery that isn’t a story and barely a poem. Thanks to Kathy Jacobs, who has really kept the ball rolling.



Betta Tryptophan

Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it