
a one-line poem

2 min readDec 1, 2016


That most bilious of emotions, regret, rose up in my throat — choking my breath and settling on my chest like a megaton weight. *

Please leave me your one-line poem on regret.

You can do it as a response to this post or give it a home of its own and leave an embed in a comment below so we can all find it.

Anyone reading this who would like to participate in the fun is encouraged to do so. I’ve also borrowed Sherry’s clever tagging system to invite former one-line writers to participate again if they wish and help me get the poetic ball rolling.

I for one miss Tre’s awesome one-line prompts and felt compelled to take up the gauntlet to help keep this great tradition going as others have before me. I’m very happy to do it again but I hope others will start their own one-line parties and invite us all. The more the merrier.

Now hit me with your regret — in one line. What does regret mean to you?

*modified from a recent bit of prose I wrote.

