
a poetic ode to the Italians’ spirit during the tough times

Somsubhra Banerjee


the ground’s empty,

not an insect to be seen,

look at the balconies,

people singing, dancing, smiling

upbeat in times of hardship,

that’s the resilience of the human spirit!

This small poem is a tribute to all the people in Italy who have so gracefully come together to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. Kudos to their resilience, I pray and hope that everything gets better very soon!

The poem above is based on the beautiful prompt “Ground”(please check the below link for more details) by D. E. Fulford.

Thanks a lot to Kathy Jacobs and the entire team at Chalkboard for the wonderful pieces that they publish :)



Somsubhra Banerjee

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.