Sestina Synthetica update 9 April

Tamyka Bell
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2017

Here’s what’s happening with the project at the end of our first weekend. Well, it’s the end of the weekend in Australia. (Weep for me, people.)

Two of our collaborative sestinas are already well underway!

And the next one will be up in no time, we’re sure.

We’re just waiting for Misbahu Elhamza’s opening stanza, and then we’ll be off and running!

Introducing the peach team:

We’ve got one more team joining the game, and I decided to go with another ambiguous is-it-a-colour-or-is-it-a-fruit team name. The order of play is: Dewi, Emily Roberts, Janet Rhodes, Kathleen Clarke Anderson, Michael Stalcup, marika bianca, and Yaasky. I’ve added you all to the main order of play document, too. Don’t forget to check out the instructions, guys!

Photo by Alessio Lin (Unsplash)



Tamyka Bell

writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing